Associate Teaching Professor of Linguistics at UC San Diego
Director of UCSD's Computational Social Science Program
Will’s Oral Exam Procedures and Policies
Students who miss an exam with good cause, are unable to take a synchronous or in-person exam for good cause, who are completing a class as an ‘incomplete’, or have other reason to require separate examination may be asked to sit an oral exam instead.
Please remember that my goal here is to give you an opportunity to show your knowledge, not to ‘catch you out’ or ‘be tricky’. I will be thrilled if you show strong knowledge, and want to give you every opportunity to do so while being fair to your classmates and keeping the difficulty in line with the conventional exam.
Oral Exam Procedure
- Please plan to arrive 5 minutes or so before your scheduled time at the designated in-person or virtual location
- Bring whatever paper materials or notes you’d like, but know that
you’ll have extremely limited time to examine them.
- It’s best to plan to take the exam mostly from memory, as reading through notes burns time you won’t have.
- You’ll be asked direct questions about the course material which
have been designed to test your knowledge of the material and your
participation in the course.
- These may be from the study guide (if such exists), or they may be new questions
- A question might be something like “Why do we use the N’ (N-bar) element in syntax trees for this course?” or “Explain what goes on with your speech articulators when we produce a /t͡ʃ/.”
- In some cases, you may be handed a dataset (e.g. for phonological analysis), or asked to produce an analysis (e.g. “draw a syntax tree for the sentence ‘Will tortures students with the IPA’” or “Transcribe the sentence ‘Will graded the oral exam’”).
- You’ll be given the opportunity to respond to the question, with the
goal to show depth of understanding, and I may follow up with questions
or clarifications
- “Could you tell me a bit more about that?” or asking a followup does not mean you’re doing badly, it’s just me gauging your knowledge or prompting for more details.
- For each question, I’ll gauge your response and make notes, and when I’ve seen enough, we’ll move onto the next question.
- At the end, you’ll be given an opportunity to clarify or address any response, to any question, which you’re unhappy with, in case you missed something or wanted to emphasize something you didn’t.
- Once we’ve finished, I’ll let you know your earned grade, explaining where you lost any points, and you’ll be dismissed.
Oral Exam Grading
Each question will be graded out of ten. The rounded average score of all questions will be taken as the exam grade.
Each question will be graded roughly according to the following rubric:
- 9 or 10 point responses demonstrate superior knowledge and a strong understanding of the concept(s) at hand, addressing most or all of the relevant important information, at or beyond the expected level for students in the course.
- 7 or 8 point responses show substantial understanding and competence, but with one or two errors, some ‘foggier’ areas or inability to provide important missing details.
- 6 or 5 point responses show major gaps in knowledge, with several errors, showing only bare-bones understanding of the concepts in play.
- 3 or 4 point responses demonstrate very basic knowledge from the class, but show substantial confusion, confusing related concepts, or failing to fully understand the conceptual basis of the question.
- 0 point responses fail to sufficiently demonstrate having gained knowledge on the matter from the course, whether by producing an answer which is incomprehensible in context of the question, answering the question at a level which shows little evidence of having completed the course, an “I don’t know”, or silence/failure to answer.
Note that you are graded on knowledge, not on your precise manner of communicating it. No points will be deducted for your accent, register, for ‘grammatical errors’, or for nervousness. As long as you’re able to communicate that you understand the material to somebody who actively seeks to give you the benefit of the doubt, those factors are irrelevant.
Oral Exam Policies
- Students completing the exam online will be asked to turn on both
voice and camera, and to stay unmuted and on video for the duration of
the exam.
- This is to prevent academic integrity issues. Repeated muting, loss of video, or other disruption will result in an inability to complete the exam.
- Students arriving more than 15 minutes after the scheduled exam time without a documented good cause will not be allowed to sit the exam and will receive a zero without opportunity to make it up. Please plan to arrive early and/or check your internet ahead of time to prevent this.
- Students may take a moment to compose their thoughts or consult their notes before answering, but if you are unable to begin a substantive answer after a full minute or after being asked a second time, you’ll be awarded a zero for that question and we’ll move on.
- Students may request that questions be presented in writing during
the exam, and may respond in a manner consistent with OSD
- In an in-person oral exam, you may consult your electronic notes on
a laptop or tablet or phone, but I must have a clear view of the
process, to prevent googling or communication with people outside the
exam setting
- For Zoom-based exams, no electronic devices are allowed to be consulted, and no typing is permitted, without specific OSD accommodations, discussed ahead of time.
- Oral exams may be recorded by the instructor, although any recordings will be deleted at the completion of the term.
- Your grade on a given question won’t be disclosed until the end of
the exam
- This is just to prevent an early question going poorly from knocking you too far off your game.
- Students with extra time accommodations will be given additional time to respond to each question.
- Assigned grades are not negotiable, and are not subject to ‘regrades’.
- Students may not discuss specific questions from the oral exam with other students, and both sharing questions and taking advantage of shared questions is an academic integrity issue.