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The Linguistics of Memes

Dr. Will Styler

Content Warning

Aging warning

Today’s Plan

What are memes?

What is a “meme”?

A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.

‘Meme’ is multifaceted

More ‘memey’ uses of meme

Uncaptioned but meme-y images

Captioned images

Videos and GIFs

We’re going to focus on images today

Are memes linguistic?

What makes language languagey?

Language Characteristics


Elements of language have meaning

Memes are meaningless

Memes have meaning


Arbitrariness of form and meaning

Meme Iconicity

Some meanings require a bit more understanding

… but memes can become more abstract

Abstraction of memes

Content Warning: Miscarriage



Sharing disguised loss memes is a meme of its own

Loss memes have become very abstract

So, many meme templates are mostly iconic

Grammaticality Judgements

Speakers of a language know ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ forms

Memers know when memes are ‘grammatical’ and ’correct

Memes are able to be ‘wrong’

Productivity and Creativity

Language is productive and creative

Memes are productive

Memes are creative

New meme templates can always be born

Tiger King was released on March 20th, 2020


Images can go from ‘funny image’ to ‘meme template’ with repeated use

Memes can be used to describe any situation

Traditional Transmission

Language is learned from others’ language use

Memes are transmitted traditionally

Memes from Will’s Era

Boomer memes

Memes can ‘index’ certain identities and social affiliations

Memes often need in-group knowledge

Memes have traditional transmission


Language is compositional

Memes are compositional

Meme template meaning

Meme style cues have meaning in isolation too

Memes are compositional!

Linguistic Functions

Language accomplishes functions

Memes can make simple assertions

Memes can ask questions

Memes can issue directives

Memes can express our feelings

Memes can change things about the world

Memes can accomplish the same purposes as language!

Memes have almost all of the characteristics of language!

Linguistics can help us understand memes!

Meme Linguistics continued!

All that time you’ve spent on a linguistics degree will also help you study memes

Wrapping up

In summary


Thank you!