Quechuan - Peru

Wayna Picchu - El Condor Pasa

Why didn’t the Wichita tribe have kings?

Because when you live in a grass house, you shouldn’t stow thrones!

Administrative Notes

Want a fun linguistics class for Spring?

Languages of South America

LING 1020 - Will Styler

Today’s agenda

Quechuan Languages

Quechuan Languages


Features of Quechua

Quechua has 10 million speakers, but no commonly-used writing system

This is not unique

Quechuan - Peru

Quechua Loanwords

… and llama

Did you know that Linguists have their own meme?

Tupian Languages

Tupi-Guarani is in light pink

Tupian Languages


Features of Guarani

(Finally, some new features!)


We’ve talked about lots of affixation

Tupian - Amazonas


‘You Snore’

Tupian - Amazonas


‘They go up’

Circumfixation is the only kind of affixation English won’t touch

Nasal Harmony

Nasal Harmony

When nasality spreads throughout the word triggered by a nasal vowel

Tupian - Amazonas


‘my child is just too stubborn at school’

Speaking of really weird…


Tupian - Amazonas


Linguistic Diversity in Amazonas

We can’t come anywhere near showing the diversity of this region

Arawakan - Amazonas

Mura - Amazonas

Pirahã is a really odd language

The least controversial crazy thing about Pirahã?

How many Pirahã speakers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Many of these languages are struggling and dying

We have a paradox in Linguistics (and anthropology)

Missionaries in Linguistics

The role of Missionaries in Linguistics

The Goals of Descriptive Linguists

The Goals of Missionaries

Missionaries write grammars

Missionaries sometimes write bad grammars

Missionaries often create parallel texts

Missionaries can create good resources

… but there’s one fundamental difference between Missionary work and Linguistic work

Linguists and Anthropologists describe languages and cultures

Changing culture changes languages

Everybody has an opinion on whether that’s OK

… but both linguistic description and missionary work play a role in the Circle of Linguistic life.

Wrapping Up

In Recitation: Nothing! Recitation is cancelled!

Next time: The Circle of Linguistic Life!

Read Hinton’s Language Revitalization Handbook Chapter 1

Thank you!