The Anatomy of the Organ of Corti

Will Styler - LIGN 113

Today’s Plan

The Basilar membrane moves with sound

Vibration doesn’t matter unless we can detect it

The Organ of Corti Functions

Structures within the Organ of Corti

The structures we care about

Deiter’s (‘Phalangeal’) Cells

Hensen’s Cells

The Stria Vascularis

The Stria Vascularis

The Tectorial Membrane

The Tectorial Membrane

“Wait, why don’t we understand how this works?!”

The Tectorial Membrane

Only the tips of the OHCs are embedded in the Tectorial Membrane!

The Outer Hair Cells

Outer Hair Cells

The Outer Hair Cells form the ‘cochlear amplifier’

The Inner Hair Cells

Inner Hair Cells

Inner hair cells are directly (and richly!) connected to the nervous system

The Sprial Ganglion connects to the cochlear nerve

The Cochlear Nerve

The Vestibulocochlear Nerve connects to the Pons

… and finally, sound has reached the brain!

The Journey of Sound

A few teaser questions

Next time

Thank you!