The Anatomy of the Middle and Inner Ear

Will Styler - LIGN 113

Today’s Plan

The Middle Ear

The Outer Ear ends at the TM

The Middle Ear

The Eustachian Tubes

The Eustachian Tubes

The Ossicular Chain

Comprised of three bones

The Ossicular Chain connects the TM to the cochlea

The Ossicles serve four important roles

The Acoustic Reflex

Enabling the acoustic reflex

Signal Amplification and Impedance Matching

Impedance Matching and Amplification

Protecting the Cochlea

The Ossicular chain can be injured

This is a feature, not a bug!

The Chorda Tympani Nerve

The Chorda Tympani Nerve

That’s the middle ear!

The ‘Inner Ear’

The Vestibular System

More on this later!

The Cochlea

The Cochlea is a coiled tube

The interior of the tube is complex

These cavities are filled with fluid

Connections within the cochlea

The Scala Tympani and Vestibuli are continuous

The Round and Oval Windows are both needed

Cochlea-internal landmarks

Reissner’s Membrane (also called the ‘Vestibular Membrane’)

The Basilar Membrane

Basilar Membrane (think ‘base of the organ of corti’)

Lots more on tonotopic organization later!

So, the basilar membrane vibrates in different places depending on frequency of input

The Organ of Corti!

Key takeaways

Next time

Thank you!