The Anatomy of the Outer Ear

Will Styler - LIGN 113

Today’s Plan

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We’re going to talk a lot about ‘transduction’

We are surrounded by transducers

The auditory system is all about transduction!

No transduction is perfect!

The Structures of the Ear

Three ‘Zones’ that most folks discuss

The Outer Ear

The Middle Ear

Functions of the Inner Ear

We’re going to go through the system in that order

The Outer Ear

The Pinna

The Pinna

What does the Pinna protect against?

Ear canal protection

How does the Pinna direct hearing?

Localization of Sound

The human pinna is fixed

Not all animals have a fixed pinna

Not all animals have a fixed pinna

The Pinna still provides some location cues

Pinna Amplification

The Pinna Amplifies sounds!

Some people pour rum and pineapple juice into the outer ear

Once sound leaves the pinna, it goes into…

The Ear Canal

The Ear Canal

Ear Canal Subareas

Ear Canal (with surrounding anatomy)

The Ear Canal is mostly protective

Cerumen (Earwax)

Cerumen types

Cerumen Impaction

Cerumen impaction is a common cause of hearing loss

Ear Candling is… not supported by science

Cerumen ≠ Saruman

(Although, actually, both can be removed by flushing the area with water…)

The Tympanic Membrane (‘eardrum’)

The Tympanic Membrane

From here out, ‘TM’ unmarked means ‘Tympanic Membrane’

The Tympanic Membrane forms a seal!

Why is this seal a Good Idea?

The seal is not required for hearing

The TM captures sound!

So that’s the Outer Ear

Wrapping Up

Next time, we’ll journey beyond the Tympanic Membrane

The Middle Ear!

Thank you!