Hearing Disorders

Will Styler - LIGN 113

By understanding how things go right, we understand how they go wrong

Today’s Plan

Causes of acquired hearing loss

‘Acquired’ hearing loss means the person could hear at some point


Disorders of the Outer Ear

Disorders of the Middle Ear


Ménière’s disease


Autoimmune Diseases and Hearing loss

Acoustic Neuroma and Otosclerosis

… but the hearing disorder most people are familiar with is…



Physiopathology of Presbycusis

Some potential causes of presbycusis

One nice way to put it

Presbycusis is likely caused by the accumulation of various auditory insults over years.

Presbycusis is the check at the end of the meal

Even if you’re not losing hearing now, take care!

There is no treatment for presbycusis

OK, so that’s how people lose hearing

Causes of ‘Pre-Lingual’ or Congenital Deafness

Hereditary Genetic Conditions

Genetic ‘Syndromes’

Atresia, Microtia and Anotia

In-Utero Disease Exposure

An aside: The MMR Vaccine is ‘Measles, Mumps, and Rubella’

In-Utero Ototoxicity

There are more possible causes

… so that’s why hearing goes away


Tinnitus is the sensation of sound which is not present

Tinnitus is a phenomenon, not a disease

Tinnitus is NOT the same as auditory hallucination

Tinnitus can be temporary or permanent

Tinnitus can be subjective or objective

We don’t understand how it works, exactly!

Possible sources of tinnitus

Long term effects of tinnitus

Reducing the emotional and quality-of-life impact of tinnitus

So, tinnitus is super common

Wrapping up

Next time

Audiology, from an Audiologist!

Thank you!