Pitch, Loudness, and Localization

Will Styler - LIGN 113

Today’s Plan

Perception of Frequency

Our perception of frequency is non-linear

Differences in critical frequency bands

Evolutionary Differences!

… but Hertz doesn’t capture this at all

Our perception of frequency is weird!

Do we hear frequency in a linear and reliable way?

Is the jump in file A the same as in file B?



Is the jump in file A the same as in file B?



So, our perception of frequency isn’t Hertz-like

Perceptual scales

Mel Scale

Mel Scale

Mel Formula

Bark Scale

Bark Scale

Bark Formula

Bark vs. Mel vs. Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth

Which should you use?

Amplitude Perception

The auditory system is tuned to amplify some frequencies!

We’ve already talked about wanting different units for amplitude

… and let’s not forget the relationship between frequency and amplitude

This is the basis of dB HL

dB HL sets the minimum perceptible amplitude as zero!

So, our perception of the basics of sound is… not awesome

… but that’s OK!

We have nothing but our flawed perceptions to build a model of the world from

Wait, where did that come from?

Sound localization?

We want to know where sound came from

We need two kinds of localization

Many animals can change the position of their ears

Horizontal Localization

We use two sources of data for horizontal localization

Time-of-arrival differences

Interaural Time Differences

Interaural Amplitude differences

Think about a post in the water…

Interaural Level Differences

Both play a role

This is acquired

Binaural effects can only give you horizontal cues

Vertical Localization

For vertical information, we use the pinna

Different resonances imply different angles of incidence

Localization is hard!

The cone of confusion

There’s other information too!

Aside: Localization is hard to preserve

There’s a lot of research in Localization


Differences in basilar membrane response

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Wrapping Up

Thank you!