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The Physiology of the IHCs and Nerve Coding

Will Styler - LIGN 113

Today, we’ll zoom in on the inner hair cells

Today’s Plan


When the basilar membrane moves…

What part of the IHCs is sensitive to basilar membrane motion?

How do the IHCs detect this?

When the stereocilia bend, the IHCs start to fire

How does that motion trigger a nerve firing?

Stepping Back

The different fluids here are crucial

The IHCs occur at the border between these fluids

The cell increases this potential!

So, the inside of the cell has a negative potential

The Stereocilia are the K+ Gateway to the cell!

The stereocilia are elaborately linked

Sourced from https://jcs.biologists.org/content/126/8/1721

When the ion channels open, the cell depolarizes

This triggers the nerves to increase their firing rate!

Even this is a bit of a simplification

When the excitation (movement) stops…

So, in summary…

So, we know how IHCs detect movement

“How are the IHC nerve firings coding acoustic information?!”

Useful Acoustical Information

If the world made sense…

The Problem

Frequency Coding in the Auditory Nerve

There are two theories of frequency coding

Place theory

It does!

Problems with the Place Theory

The Temporal Theory

We can’t do this directly

Volley Theory

Phase Locking

Problems with the temporal theory

Place Theory and Temporal Theory are complementary

So how are we likely coding frequency in our perception of sound?

Amplitude Coding in the auditory nerve

How do we make binary responses code the full range of intensity we hear?

One easy theory

Problems with firing rate

Two other options


Differential Sensitivity

If neurons differ in sensitivity, we can get a broader range

So, Amplitude is likely coded by increased numbers of neurons firing

We’re not so sure about nerve encoding

This is a special kind of difficult to study

Wrapping up

Next time

Thank you!