Homework 1 is due Friday

Submit online under ‘Quizzes’-> Homework 1 Online Submission by Midnight, or in class on paper.

Will’s Wednesday office hours are cancelled 1/23 and 1/30. Alternate times will be announced.

How to be Naturally Classy

Will Styler - LIGN 111

Last week, we looked at English Plurals and Past Tense

Plural Patterns in our data

A few reasons why listing sounds is no good

Relationships among speech sounds are real

Relationships can be described in many ways

Natural Classes!

Let’s play a game!

One of these sounds is not like the other…

/t/ /k/ /p/ /s/

/m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /b/

/b/ /a/ /ŋ/ /i/ /s/

/l/ /s/ /ŋ/ /j/ /i/

/i/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /æ/ /ɔ/

/t/ /n/ /s/ /z/ /k/

/p/ /t/ /k/ /b/

Natural Class

A set of speech sounds in a given language that is able to be uniquely, completely, and succinctly described in terms of the shared phonetic (“natural”) properties of its members.

Natural Class Examples

Natural Classes need to be properly scoped

Your Natural Class Descriptions should describe…

You’ve got a rule

Be correct, but also be succinct!

Keep the language in mind!

Often, natural classes are based on IPA-like descriptions

There are other Non-IPA terms you’ll hear too

Let’s look at some English Natural Classes

Phonological Rules typically involve natural classes

Unnatural Classes should provoke caution


Let’s Practice a bit more!

Natural classes are a first step

For Next Time

Thank you!