If you’d like a Textbook to reference, David Odden’s “Introducing Phonology” (ISBN 978-1107627970) is a great choice

All homeworks are now due on Fridays (starting with HW1 next week)

The syllabus has been updated

Grab an IPA/Features Handout by the door!

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Phonetics in Review

Will Styler - LIGN 111

Today’s Plan

How do we describe how speech sounds are made?

We break the world into two kinds of speech sounds

Describing Consonants

### Three steps to describing Consonants
* We need to know three things:
* Place: Where is the sound made?
* Manner: What are we doing there?
* Voicing: Are we making voicing?

Can’t figure out where in the mouth that is?

Ask Sammy the Interactive Sagittal Section!

So, that’s consonants.


Vowels are created by shaping your vocal tract

Vowels are different from consonants

Describing Vowels

The IPA Vowel Chart


‘Other Symbols’





This is how phoneticians describe sounds

A few phenomena meriting additional discussion

Aspiration and other Laryngeal Stuff

Thanks to Odden’s Introducing Phonology


Impossible Consonants

Impossible vowels?

There are some common bits of non-standard IPA

Non-Standard IPA continued

Always be on the lookout for “This symbol refers to [sound description]”

General Phonetic Concepts for Phonology

Not all of phonology believes that it needs phonetics

(GP is fascinating, but this is the last time we’ll talk about it)

Phonological rules can be approached phonetically

Phonology is not just ‘algebra with symbols’

Think about the articulatory space

Think about concepts like coarticulation

Think about overlap

Think about perception

Think about jaw movement

Think about laziness

Think about similarity

Much of the concept of “Naturalness” derives from articulation

Phonetics can have very subtle effects

… but not all phonological phenomena are phonetically intuitive

You can’t expect all rules to make sense, phonetically

Homework 1 will be a quick reminder of phonetic concepts with an eye towards phonology

Next time…

Thank you!